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Families Experiencing Housing Crisis 

Visit Atwater Neighborhood Resource Center

   2755 E. 19th St N, Wichita, KS, 67214

Office Hours:

M-Th:   9 am to 12 pm & 1 pm to 4:30 pm

Friday:  9 am to 12 pm & 1 pm to 4 pm


Walk in hours:  

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 

10 am to 12 pm & 2 pm to 4 pm

*No walk-ins or appointments on Wednesdays.

*Appointments are best, walk-ins may have a longer wait time.

If possible, please come prepared with your lease, eviction, or shut-off notice, as well as your driver's license, photo ID, social security card, birth certificate, and proof of income for all household members.

You can also contact the Journey Home Resource Center by text, phone, or email.

Phone/Text:(316) 633-1530


A qualifying household is defined as a family who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness and have at least one child living with the parent(s), or parent(s) who are working toward reunification with their children. 


         a. literally homeless families who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence – i.e. street, shelter, transitional facility, or motel/hotel paid for by a charitable organization or government program for low-income individuals, 

         b. imminently homeless which is families at risk of homelessness, with an annual  income below 30% of median area income (some funding allows for 50%); and insufficient immediate resources to prevent moving into homelessness.


We also focus on families who are fleeing/attempting to flee domestic violence (literally homeless families and imminently homeless). 

Happy Family at Home

"Journey Home online applications have temporarily closed. We are not currently taking new applications. Journey Home staff is diligently working on applications in the order that they have been received. If you have already submitted an application we will call you to schedule an intake as soon as we can. If you would like to discuss alternative community resources based on your situation please call Journey Home at (316) 633-1530; or email us at"

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